Art Works on Campus

Monument to the Victims of the Discovery of America – UFSC Florianópolis Campus

In the Visual Arts area, SeCArte develops activities in several places of UFSC campus and expands its actions to other locations in the state of Santa Catarina and in the country, by promoting traveling exhibitions and art competitions, among other activities.

Every semester, DAC carries out courses and workshops related to Visual Arts, promotes workshops and meetings with artists, offers consulting services and keeps an art collection on campus, with some works being permanently exhibited and others temporarily.

Particularly in the area of Plastic Arts, projects that result in monuments, murals and sculptures are developed and spread throughout the campus. Among these works, some have been selected through national and international competitions, like the “Monument to the Victims of the Discovery of America” (a total of 80 works from Latin American countries participated in the competition).

The public that visits the University can also appreciate the “Humanity” mural, by Hassis Corrêa, inside UFSC’s little church; the mural painting about cultural aspects of Santa Catarina, by Martinho de Haro, at the Rectorate Building Hall; and hundreds of other works by different national and international artists, exhibited permanently at the administrative and academic units of UFSC.

Click here to see a catalog of art works found on UFSC main campus.