Em Cena [On Scene] Project

UFSC Carmen Fossari Theater has for long been welcoming theatrical productions from Florianópolis and Santa Catarina. The Em Cena [On Scene] Project promotes the artistic and cultural exchange between the University and the community for more than 40 years.

The project aims to stimulate and encourage theatrical and artistic productions in the state, as well as make cultural productions accessible for the community.

The groups are selected by a team of theater professionals from DAC.  The selection criteria takes into consideration the group’s trajectory in the area, the investigative aspect of its theatrical research and the recognition of its performances by the community and general public.

The selection of the groups aim to demonstrate the different kinds of theatrical language, such as circus, drama, performance, comedy, animation theater, among others. The performances take place throughout the year.

For further information, contact DAC at dac@contato.ufsc.br.