UFSC Digital Art Collection

UFSC Digital Art Collection (screenshot)

UFSC Art Gallery, administered by the Arts and Culture Department (DAC) from the Office of Culture, Arts and Sports (SeCArtE), has made available to the public, on July 2022, the first stage of UFSC’s digital art catalog, containing images and information about artists and works of art that make up UFSC’s art collection.

The UFSC Digital Art Collection can be accessed on computers, tablets and cellphones, through the link galeriadearte.acervos.ufsc.br. The implementation of the digital catalog is being developed in stages through Tainacan, a Brazilian free software for the creation of digital collections developed by the Network Intelligence Laboratory of the Universidade de Brasília (UnB), with the support from the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) and the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM).

In this first stage, the digital catalog can be consulted using the following search filters: title of the work, artist, artistic name, about the artist, production date, technique, language, and dimensions.

The art collection of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) has been constructed over the six decades of the University. The acquisition of works of art has taken place in several ways, such as by direct donation from artists, in the form of prizes obtained in art salons held at UFSC, or through specific projects.

The UFSC collection contains works from distinguished artists of Santa Catarina and also nationally recognized artists, such as Antonio Mir, Burle Max, Domingos Fossari, Eli Heil, Elias Andrade, Guido Heuer, Hassis, Lucila Horn, Martinho de Haro, Meyer Filho, Rodrigo de Haro, Rubens Oestroem, Vecchietti and Zumblick, in addition to works from foreign artists, such as Alejandro Pita (Argentina), Freddy Escobar Vega (Bolivia), Jorge Ferro (Venezuela) and Luchi Collaud (Argentina).

The Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina values the creation and production of artists of diverse origins, styles and techniques. Through its art collection, it allows the community to reflect on the relevance of art and the artist in a plural and excellent higher education institution.

Visit the UFSC Digital Art Collection here.