Teatro Novo Reseach Group (GPTN)
Established in 1976, the Teatro Novo [New Theater] Research Group has been working, for decades, with the Santa Catarina state’s community, developing street perfomances, puppet theater and theater shows.
The group has a remarkable curriculum due to the productions undertaken and awards won in several festivals at the state, national and international levels. Since its creation, the group was directed by Carmen Fossari.
Overall, more than 60 shows have been produced in several theatrical genres.
The Theater Division helps local and state groups with theoretical and practical matters, encouraging the creation of new theater groups and the training of actors. Among other consulting activities and courses, we highlight the ones developed in rural settlements in União da Vitória, Vitória da Conquista and Rio Mansinho, located in the city of Fraiburgo. The activities were part of the Gralha Azul [Azure Jay] project, which engaged several public bodies managed by INCRA-SC. The project aimed at the right to make art and enjoy leisure, which cannot be an exclusive privilege of urban areas, as well as the full development of citizenship. Most of the cities in the state of Santa Catarina have received assistance from the group through courses and workshops. Its activities have also reached other countries in Latin America.
Permanent Puppet Workshop – This is the space where the Teatro Novo Research Group researches materials and techniques for making and using puppets, shadows and masks. The research results are used in the group’s productions and passed on to the Permanent Theater Workshop.
Stage Prop Construction Center – Actors, technicians and guest artists research materials and reuse stage props, in a way that all productions of the Teatro Novo Research Group (costumes and scenery) are made by the group itself.
Valuing the literary creation in Santa Catarina, several catarinense authors had their works staged by the Teatro Novo group: Almiro Caldeira de Andrade. Argus Cirino, Clécio Espezim, Cruz e Sousa, Eglê Malheiros, Fábio Brugmann, Flávio José Cardoso, Franklin Cascaes, Harry Laus, Joca Wolf, Lindolfo Bell and Raul Caldas Filho.
The Teatro Novo Research Group and the Permanent Drama Workshop promote dramatic reading cycles of classic texts, expanding the audience’s knowledge about the great drama texts and, as a result, increasing the theater-consuming public.
The Teatro Novo’s repertoire is presented annually in two official seasons. They take place in the beginning of every semester at the UFSC Theatre.
For further information, contact DAC at dac@contato.ufsc.br.