UFSC Choir
The UFSC Choir aims to promote and to disseminate choir singing, as well as to contribute to the cultural integration and expansion of UFSC. It also seeks to provide its members with theoretical and practical knowledge in a process of learning and valuing music through singing.
Since its creation, on 9 January 1963, the UFSC Choir actively participates in several arts and culture projects and events promoted by the University community, presenting a vast musical repertoire of Brazilian and foreign composers. Throughout its history, more than 2,300 Brazilian and foreign singers have participated in the choir – including some which were part of others choirs and sought to gain more experience at UFSC.
The choir is composed by UFSC students, faculty and staff, as well as members from the external community.
Since May 2004, the Choir is coordinated by the conductor Mirian Moritz.
Rehearsals take place during the academic year, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the Shared Building 1.
Contact UFSC Choir at coraldaufsc@contato.ufsc.br or at +55 48 3721-9348.
Explore some of the Choir’s work here: dac.ufsc.br/coral-da-ufsc/