UFSC Madrigal and Chamber Orchestra
Created in 2009, the UFSC Madrigal and Chamber Orchestra projects aim to encourage and promote vocal and instrumental music, providing prospect musicians, who are mainly undergraduate students at UFSC, a space to develop their artistic-musical potential. The projects also aim to promote classical and popular music through performances and to encourage local education and culture.
Participating students may be awarded an Outreach Scholarship.
Both projects are open to the community and new calls for applications depend on place availability.
Works from UFSC Madrigal and Chamber Orchestra are coordinated by Miriam Moritz, who is the regent of the UFSC Choir since 2004.
See the current list of musicians here.
Explore some of the Madrigal and Chamber Orchestra’s work here: dac.ufsc.br/madrigal
For further information, contact the coordinator at coraldaufsc@contato.ufsc.br or at +55 48 3721-9348.