Arts and Culture Department – DAC

The Arts and Culture Department (DAC) aims to promote art and culture through teaching, research, outreach and production activities, seeking the full development of the human being, the enhancement of the quality of life and the transformation of society.

DAC´s responsibilities are:

  • promote art in all its languages and forms;
  • plan, foster, produce, organize and coordinate the artistic and cultural activities developed by the department’s various sectors: visual arts, cinema, music, theater and art education;
  • promote interdisciplinary, interdepartmental and interinstitutional actions;
  • encourage the rescue, preservation and dissemination of the various artistic expressions of the local and regional cultures;
  • build a critical audience and train human resources through art and art education projects developed on a regular basis;
  • manage the cultural spaces at UFSC: theater, igrejinha [little church], acoustic schell, art gallery, Rectorate Building Hall (exhibition area) and others that may be created for artistic purposes;
  • perform other activities pertaining to the area or that may be delegated by a competent authority.


 Art Education, Visual Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music and Theatre


DAC occupies the architectural ensemble of Trindade neighborhood’s old church, which includes the Igrejinha [little church], with a music auditorium; the Theater, with a concert hall; and the Casa do Divino, with space for workshops. It also manages the Art Gallery, located at the Centro de Convivência (currently closed for renovation), and a part of the Rectorate Building Hall, used for cultural exhibitions.

Coordinator: José Henrique Nunes Pires

Phone: +55 (48) 3721-3853 / 2499

